Big or Small, God Made Them All

Big or Small, God Made Them All: A Celebration of Body Positivity and Divine Diversity

Let’s take a moment to talk about something that’s been on my mind: breasts. Yes, you heard me right—those miraculous mounds that come in all shapes and sizes, like a delicious buffet of body positivity. In a world obsessed with categorization and comparison, I'm here to remind you that whether you're rocking a modest A-cup or flaunting a fabulous D-cup, your body is a masterpiece crafted by the ultimate artist—your Creator.

The Breast Size Debate: Who Cares What Society Thinks?

Now, before we dive into this delightful discussion, let's get one thing straight: the breast size debate is as old as time itself. Some say bigger is better, while others champion the petite and perky. Society loves to play favorites, but let's be real—who asked them? The answer is simple: NO ONE! It's high time we celebrate our unique forms, because each and every one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made. And that's not just a catchy saying—it's a powerful truth that should echo in our hearts like a gospel choir on a Sunday morning!

Embracing Diversity: A Revolutionary Idea

Imagine this: you walk into a room full of women, and instead of sizing each other up like a competition for Miss Universe, we embrace the diversity of our bodies with open arms and full hearts. Picture a world where we don't equate self-worth with our cup size but instead recognize that our value comes from being unapologetically ourselves. Sounds revolutionary, right? Well, it is!

The Media: A Fickle Friend

Let's talk about the elephant in the room—or should I say the breast in the room? The media. Oh, that fickle friend that can't seem to make up its mind about what's "in" and what's "out."

One moment, we see images of voluptuous women, and the next, we’re shown slender supermodels. This constant shifting can leave us feeling lost and insecure. But here's the kicker: those images are not reality! They're curated, filtered, and often entirely unrealistic. So why do we let them dictate how we feel about ourselves?

Ditching the Pressure: You Are Unique

Let's ditch the narrative that says we need to conform to some arbitrary standard of beauty. Whether you're a size 2 or a size 22, your body is a canvas that reflects your unique story. It's time to embrace the glorious truth that God made us all different for a reason. Think of it as a divine art exhibit where each piece is stunning in its own right. Why should we look at ourselves through the lens of comparison when we can appreciate our individuality?

Your Body Tells a Story

The truth is, every body tells a story. Your breasts may be big and bold, small and sweet, or anywhere in between, but they are a part of you, woven into the fabric of your identity. And guess what? They don't define you! Your strength, intelligence, kindness, and wit are what make you truly beautiful. So let's celebrate the curves, the angles, the bumps, and the lumps—because they are all part of your incredible journey.

Changing Your Body: A Personal Choice

Now, let's address the inevitable questions: "But what if I want to change my body?" That's a perfectly valid concern! If you're considering surgery or other alterations, that's a personal choice, and you should absolutely do what feels right for you. But let's take a moment to reflect: are you making that choice out of love for yourself or out of fear of societal judgment? There's a world of difference between the two. Embrace who you are, and if you decide to change something, do it because you want to enhance the beauty that already exists within you—not because you think you need to fit into someone else's mold.

The Power of Sisterhood: Lifting Each Other Up

And let's not forget the power of sisterhood! Women have an incredible ability to uplift and empower one another. So instead of tearing each other down with harsh criticism or jealous comparisons, let's lift each other up with kindness and support. The next time you find yourself in a moment of self-doubt, call upon your fellow queens! Compliment a friend on her amazing body, her infectious laugh, or her brilliant mind. Share your own insecurities and watch the weight of judgment lift off your shoulders as you find solidarity in shared experiences.

Love Yourself Fiercely

Let's also remember the wise words of RuPaul: "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" Our bodies are our homes, and it's time to invest in them. Love them fiercely, flaws and all. Dance like no one's watching, strut like you're on the runway, and wear whatever makes you feel like the fabulous being you are! The world needs more confident women who embrace their uniqueness and radiate positivity.

The Bottom Line: You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

So here's the bottom line: big or small, God made them all! Let's celebrate the diverse beauty that exists within us and around us. Embrace your body, love your curves, and cherish the skin you're in. After all, you are a one-of-a-kind creation, and the world is so much more vibrant because you're in it. Let's spread the message loud and proud: you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that, my friends, is something worth celebrating!

The Inspirer,
Dr. Lilian O. Ebuoma